Robots.txt Generator

Free Robots.txt Generator

Leave blank if you don't have.
Google Image
Google Mobile
MSN Search
Yahoo MM
Yahoo Blogs
DMOZ Checker
MSN PicSearch
The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

The Robots.txt Generator tool from Smart SEO Tools simplifies the process of creating a robots.txt file, which is crucial for managing how search engines interact with your website. A robots.txt file provides directives to search engine crawlers about which pages or sections of your site should or should not be indexed.

By using the Robots.txt Generator, you can:

  • Create a Custom File: Generate a robots.txt file tailored to your website's needs by specifying which directories or pages should be disallowed or allowed for crawling.
  • Manage Search Engine Access: Control which parts of your website search engines can access, helping to prevent indexing of sensitive or duplicate content.
  • Optimize Crawl Budget: Direct crawlers to important content and avoid wasting crawl resources on less valuable pages.
  • Improve SEO Efficiency: Ensure that search engines focus on indexing the most relevant pages of your site, enhancing your overall SEO strategy.

The Robots.txt Generator tool is user-friendly and efficient, making it easy to configure and maintain your robots.txt file without needing advanced technical knowledge. Regularly updating and managing your robots.txt file helps ensure that search engines crawl and index your site in a way that aligns with your SEO goals and website management preferences.

Shahidul Islam Sahen

Managing Director, Smart Software Limited